Carrigboy National School

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Active School 2012

Active School

Active School Committee

The Active School Committee is up and running and had their first meeting recently. Their aim is to promote physical activity among the school community. The members are Charley Eisner, Rebecca Harrington, Daniel Duffy, Aoife O'Sullivan, Becky O'Sullivan, Andrea Stock, Darren Stock, Karin O'Driscoll and Mr. Cronin.

Aims of Active School Program

  • To raise awareness of the value and importance of physical education in primary schools.

  • To acknowledge the professional contribution or the class teacher as the driving force for physical education, physical activity and sport in the school.

  • To make explicit the teaching and learning opportunities afforded by PE.

  • To generate the support and involvement during the course of Active School Week and over the course of the school year.

  • To generate the support and involvement of the wider school community during the course of Active School Week and over the course of the school year.

  • To acknowledge the creativity, initiative and commitment of a school community in the promotion of a physically educated school population.

To Promote

The importance of enjoyment and play

Maximum participation by all children

The development of skills and understanding

A balance between contact and non contact activities

Opportunities for achievement for each child

Activities equally suitable for boys and girls

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