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School Policies
Data Protection Policy
Carrigboy National School
The purpose of the policy is to identify the Records required to be retained by the school and to ensure confidentiality and manageable procedures in relation to access to such records by parents, staff and other stake holders.
" A policy on data protection and record keeping is necessary to ensure that the school has proper procedures in place in relation to accountability and transparency
" It is good practice to record pupil progress so as to identify learning needs
" A policy must be put in place to ensure a school complies with legislation such as;
o Education Act 1998
o Education Welfare Act 2000
o Data Protection Act 2003
o Freedom of Information Act 1997
o The National Strategy to improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011 - 2020
Application of the Data Protection Act:
The Principal assumes the function of data controller and supervises the application of the Data Protection Act within the school.
Primary Online Database and the role of the Department of Education
The Primary Online Database (POD) is a nationwide individualised database of primary school pupils, facilitating the monitoring of educational progress as pupils move through the primary education system and on to post primary. The system allows schools to make online returns to the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and provides the Department with the comprehensive and in-depth information needed to develop and evaluate educational policy. Examples of the use of POD include;
1 Completion of the National School Annual Census - As of September 2016 POD is the mechanism for schools to complete the Annual Census
2 Teacher allocation and payment of capitation and other grants - Information submitted through the Annual Census forms the basis for teacher allocation, capitation and grant payments for each school
3 Resource allocation and planning purposes
4 Statistical Information- POD is the source of statistical information for the primary school sector
5 Register of pupils - POD has removed the need for schools to maintain a hardcopy of their school's Clárleabhar, as all necessary information is recorded on the system
6 Centralised updating of school information - POD provides a single point for schools to view and correct the details held by the Department
A child's PPSN is a unique identifier, so this is the best means of ensuring that there are no duplicate records in the system i.e. that two schools do not have the same child on their roll, and that every child of compulsory school age is receiving an education. It also allows the pupil's educational history to be maintained accurately as he or she changes school.
POD will be accessed by schools through the Esinet portal, a secure network managed and controlled by the Department. It may only be accessed through password controlled accounts. Only schools and a small number of Department staff will have access to an account. No agency or other Government Department will have access to the Primary Online Database. POD application roles have been developed which limit school staff to viewing and maintaining their own pupil records. Access within the Department to POD data is limited to the POD team, which currently consists of fewer than 15 people.
Details of arrangements in place to ensure compliance with the
eight rules of data protection:
The policy will be implemented so as to ensure that all personal data records held by the school are obtained, processed, used and retained in accordance with the following eight rules of data protection (based on the Data Protection Acts):
1. Obtain and process information fairly
2. Keep it only for one or more specified, explicit and lawful purposes
3. Use and disclose it only in ways compatible with these purposes
4. Keep it safe and secure
5. Keep it accurate, complete and up-to-date
6. Ensure that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive
7. Retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purpose or purposes
8. Give a copy of his/her personal data to that individual on request.
Aims and Objectives:
" To ensure the school complies with legislative requirements
" To clarify the types of records maintained and the procedures relating to making them available to the relevant bodies
" To put in place a proper recording and reporting framework on the educational progress of pupils
" To establish clear guidelines on making these records available to parents and pupils over 18 years of age.
" To stipulate the length of time records and reports will be retained
Relationship to characteristic spirit of the school (school's mission/vision/aims)
" How does this policy relate to the school's mission/vision and aims?
The school seeks to provide an environment in which pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging. They are treated fairly and their spiritual, physical, moral and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.
All pupils are equally valued and respected, irrespective of sex, race, social background, family circumstances, religious beliefs, educational achievements, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning.
The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences. As a Church of Ireland School, the traditions and teachings of that church shall inform the position taken in regard to moral issues which arise in the teaching of secular subjects.
The ethos of the school and the planning of the broad curriculum, promote the attitudes and values necessary for individual children to contribute positively to their own personal development and to that of the school and community.
(Part of our Ethos Statement)
The data under the control of the Principal comes under the following headings.
1. Personal Data
This data relates to personal details of the students such as name, address, date of birth, gender, family status, parents' place of employment, ethnic origin, nationality, religious belief, medical details, dietary information, PPSN, home telephone and mobile contact details. It also includes the names of students' parents/guardians. This information is included in the School Enrolment Form. These forms are kept in the Office. Information such as name, address, contact numbers and registration numbers on pupils are stored in both hard and soft copy format.
Student Records:
Student records outlined below are held by each class teacher and also in the Office.
Such student records contain;-
" Personal details of the student
" School report cards
" Attendance Records
" Records of students who have been granted exemption for the study of Irish.
" Teacher-designed tests. Each class teacher designs his/her own test template
" Individual Education Plans, Individual Pupil Learning Plans and records of meetings with the stakeholders regarding these plans
" Learning Support/Resource Data such as records of permissions/refusals to allow children access to LS/RT services in the school
" Portfolios of student work e.g. Projects/Art and achievements on diagnostic tests
The following student records are stored securely in the Office.
" Psychological Assessments
" Assessment results carried out by professionals to assist teaching and learning (e.g. results of psychiatric reports; occupational therapy reports; speech and language assessments; etc. ).
" Standardised Test Results
" Screening Tests such as M.I.S.T., N.R.I.T., Quest, Dyslexia Screening Tests etc.
" Diagnostic Tests Reports
" Individual Education Plans, Individual Pupil Learning Plans and records of meetings with the stakeholders regarding these plans.
" Child Protection concerns and HSE referrals
" Minutes of HSE Child Protection Conferences.
Student records maintained under the Data Protection Policy will include:
1. School Report An annual progress report is issued to each child's parent/guardian at the end of the school year. A copy of this report is available on request to a parent who resides at a different address. These booklets are securely stored in the office.
2. Psychological Assessments. Reports issued following psychological assessment are securely stored in the office. Reports issued following other assessments such as Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language, Medical etc are also stored in the same place.
3. Standardised Test Results. Standardised Tests in English and Mathematics are administered to pupils yearly. Record Sheets are securely stored in the office..
4. Teacher - designed tests. Results of teacher designed tests are securely stored by the teacher.
5. Diagnostic Test Reports. Diagnostic tests are administered by the Special Education Teacher. Results from these assessments are securely stored by the relevant teachers.
6. Special Educational Needs. Classroom Support Plans, School Support Plans and Individual Education Plans will be completed by relevant teachers for children with Special Educational Needs. Copies will be securely stored by teachers and relevant Support Teachers.
7. Learning Support/Resource Data such as records of consent/refusal to allow diagnostic testing or access to Learning Support Teacher/Resource Teacher services in the school. These records are securely stored by the relevant teacher.
8. Class Records. Class records are updated regularly. Class record sheets are stored securely in class folders in teachers' classrooms.
Student records maintained under the Data Protection Policy will include (contd)
Portfolios of student work e.g. Art, Written work are stored by the Class Teacher.
9. Attendance Records. Roll Books are maintained by the relevant class teacher and stored by the Principal.
10. Record of child's breaches of Code of Behaviour. Incidents of misbehavior in the playground are recorded and stored in the Principal's office. Each Class Teacher keeps a record of classroom incidents. The Principal maintains a record of incidents.
11. Records of serious injuries/accidents. The accident Report Book is securely stored in the office.
12. Indemnity Form for Administration of Medicine. These forms are retained in the Office.
Access to Pupil Records:
A parent may apply for access to their records until the child reaches the age of 18 years. A past pupil may apply for access to their own records from the age of 18 years to 21 years.
A written application will be required, accompanied by a form of identification and Birth Certificate. Records will be provided within 21 days.
Transfer of Student Records:
A parental authorisation form must be completed by parents in the event of data being transferred to outside agencies, including other Primary Schools and Secondary Schools. When a pupil transfers to another Primary School the new school will notify the original school and the original school will transfer records of attendance and educational progress to them. A standard School Report Form is used for this purpose.
2. Administrative Data
" Attendance Reports, Roll Book, Registers; Class files; Pupil Profile files; Enrolment applications; baptismal certificate copy (where applicable); birth certificate copy, passport copy if necessary.
" Correspondence between parents and teachers.
" Accident Report Book detailing injury and treatment applied
" Administration of Medicines Indemnity Forms
" Late arrivals record book
" Records of books rented under book-rental scheme and books borrowed from school library
" Pupil behavior records and Records of allegations/ incidents of bullying and alleged bullying;(manually recorded notes), (kept in Principal's Office)
" Records kept in line with Children First Procedures (Child Protection) (kept in Principal's Office)
Board of Management records:
These include:
" Name, address and contact details of each member of the Board of Management
" Records in relation to appointments to the Board
" Minutes of Board of Management meetings and correspondence to the Board which may include references to particular individuals.
" Minutes, are kept by the Principal, as recording secretary, and reports and correspondence relating to the Board of Management are kept and stored by the Chairperson of the Board of Management
In the case of Child Protection matters and incidents of Bullying reported to the Board as required Agenda items a pupil will not be identified by name.
Access to Records:
The following will have access where relevant and appropriate to the data listed above where pupils are identified by name:
" Parents/Guardians
" Past Pupils over 18
" Health Service Executive staff
" National Educational Psychological Service
" National Education Welfare Board
" Occupational Therapists or Speech Therapists working with pupils
" Designated School Personnel
" Department of Education and Skills (where necessary)
" First and Second level schools (where relevant)
" School Board of Management
With the exception of child protection-related data which is governed by "Children's First Guidelines and Procedures 2011", data on attendance, (governed by NEWB) and data regarding achievements in literacy and numeracy, (governed by National Strategy for literacy and numeracy), parental authorisation must be provided by parents in the event of data being transferred to outside agencies. Outside agencies requesting access to records must do so in writing. Parents/Guardians of current pupils can make such a request in writing. Past pupils and parents of past pupils seeking data must do so in writing.
3. Staff Data
Staff records include name, address, contact details, payroll number, PPSN, qualifications, records of interview procedures, results of interview process, Interview board recommendations to BOM, BOM recommendations to Patron , contracts, pension details, references, curriculum vitae, job applications, attendance records, Teaching Council registration Garda Clearance, Statutory Declaration where necessary, Medical Fitness to Teach. Access is restricted to the Principal, Chairperson and Secretary. Records are destroyed by way of shredding when no longer required.
These records are kept in the office. Copies are kept by the Chairperson.
This policy was formulated to;
" Comply with the Data Protection Act and Statute of Limitations Act
" Allow for easy access and manageable storage to records
" Put in place a framework for ease of compilation and reporting
Roles and Responsibilities:
The school staff, under the direction of the Principal will implement and monitor this policy. The Principal will ensure that records are maintained and securely stored.
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management. It will be subject to review as the need arises and following board of management training on this matter.
Finbarr O Sullivan, Chairperson.
1. Solas (CPSMA) May-June 2001
2. Education Act 1998
3. Education Welfare Act 2000
4. Data Protection Act 2003
5. Freedom of Information Act 1997
6. Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2011