Carrigboy National School

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Green Flag Stage 3

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The Green Flag award 2011/2012

Carrigboy pupils and staff are getting ready to tackle our 3rd green flag- the Water saving flag.
We will be bringing you news and information about our progress during the coming year.
To kick start the programme we are revisiting former themes and we begin with our RECYCLE Christmas tree decoration competition.
Each child from infants to 6th was asked to design and make their own decoration for the school tree using one or more recycled product. They gathered the recycled materials and made them in school the week of the 8th of December. The school has provided book tokens as rewards and our entrance hall has been festooned with all our decorations.

REMEMBER , REDUCE, RECYCLE AND RE-USE especially at the Christmas season

Look for yourself- DIDN'T WE DO WELL!!!!!

Congratulations to the following pupils who won the prizes:

Junior Infants: Niamh W

Senior Infants: Brian O D

First class: Ava

Second class: Rebecca

Third class: Daniel D

Forth class: Saoirse S

Fifth class: Dara S

Sixth class: Caoimhe H

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